My Latest Writing...
Embracing My Dragons
This is my life-long learning, or unlearning rather. It involves befriending and, at times,
learning to esteem those things and people I was taught to fear and stay away from.
If you’ve not already read my post THERE BE DRAGONS pause, read, and then come back here. If you’ve been reading along with me you know that dragons have been used in Medieval folklore, and (I’ll add) Semetic & Christian traditions to symbolize evil. Bestiaries (Westen European Encyclopedias of animals) call the dragons a “great serpent.” In Semitic & Christian traditions, dragons have appeared as the keepers of seductive knowledge and even used in stories of the Saints disguising Satan. Because of the impact of these stories and traditions, dragons are powerful adversaries that are meant to be either feared or slain.
It also just so happened that on February 10, 2024, the year of the dragon in Chinese astrology began—a cosmic cycle of power and prosperity. How fitting that now some of us will begin to learn more perspectives.
I don’t know about you but I didn’t learn and wasn’t taught about Eastern mythology & much less - the Chinese view of dragons. Here they are viewed and cast as benevolent creatures and protectors. Dragons are auspicious (I love this word) - prosperous and characterized by success. They represent harmony and balance, a flow of energy, and they are the most sacred creatures - full of wisdom and signifying dignity.
Could it be that the dragons, the things and people we were taught to fear and avoid, are actually full of wisdom and dignity that we should embrace? I’ve learned that the answer is often YES. If you agree, then ask yourself: Who or what do you need to approach differently? Who deserves your respect and support, and how can you encourage others to do the same?
My prejudices in life have been formed by my family, culture, and a religious siloed upbringing, and were later reinforced by my own thoughts, words, and actions.
I was taught wrong, and then I was wrong - too. many. times.
Too many times, I’ve hurt others. I’ve overlooked others. I’ve shunned ideas and beliefs for no good reason other than being stubborn. In fact, I’ve been too worried about being right than being loving. To what end?
I thought the world was out to get me so I was taught to carry a sword, and at some point, I realized I was facing dragons that didn’t want to fight, they wanted to be known. They weren’t there to harm me, they had much to teach me. They weren’t my foes, they’ve become my lifelong friends.
The dragons I’ve encountered in my almost 45 years of life have helped me grow into the person I’ve become. I have to tell you - who I am today is wiser and more loving than the human I thought I’d be. I’m also more curious and willing to continue to grow and learn.
My real foes were not the dragons, but the handed-down ideas that were whitewashed & only for the privileged few of us.
Whatever beliefs you stand by - ask yourself - are they making not just my life, but all lives better? Are they helping not just me but all to thrive? Are they connected to the betterment of this world and this earth we call home? Do they hold not only others responsible but also you?
Who’s your real fight with these days?
While real dragons only exist in our fertile imagination, they will reside there indefinitely. However, within that same space, we can envision new ways to coexist and thrive. As we bring these ethereal ideas into reality, we harness our power for good and wield it benevolently. Perhaps, this is the essence of what the dragons have been pointing to all along.