Meet Melissa
I'm a Renaissance woman. A Grammy-nominated and American Music Award-winning singer, writer, speaker, teacher, curator, coach, social media strategist, and wedding officiant.
Since my career started I've traveled the world singing for over 10 years. I was ordained and pastored at a progressive Church for 8 years. I received my Master of Divinity and graduated Suma Cum Laude in 2020. In 2017 I co-founded and still lead IMAGINARIUM. In 2023 I founded and still lead a prison concert outreach called GREENEHOUSE COLLECTIVE. Since 2017, I have worked as a social media strategist with numerous organizations, clinics, and individuals.
I've been married for 21 years to my incredible husband, Ben. We have two teenage & amazing kids - Hutch and Haven. My family is my absolute favorite thing about life.
I believe that everyone has a unique gift to share with the world. My mission is to help you discover and develop your talents and passions so that you can make a positive impact on the world.
Whether you're with a group, or you are an aspiring entrepreneur, artist, writer, or simply looking to grow as an individual, I'm here to help you find your path and thrive.
Discover your unique magic
Unlock your full potential